Dwarf Meyer Lemon Tree 06

Caring tips for Meyer lemon trees

The origin of most citrus trees grown in the United States is the temperate or tropical parts of the globe like Asia. The same is true for the dwarf Meyer Lemon tree. It is indigenous to China and was first introduced to the United States in 1908. It is a cross between an orange and… Read more »

Fuyu persimmon tree

How to Prune a Persimmon Tree

Forest trees look great without humans’ intervention. However, landscaped or homegrown trees are entirely different. We need to prune the trees in our backyard for them to add appeal to our homes and for them to maintain their structural integrity. Pruning trees in our backyard will surely make our property look beautiful and at the… Read more »

LSU Gold Fig Tree

How to Care for a Fig Tree

We have all benefited from trees since the beginning of time. We get our food, shelter, clothes, medicines – our basic needs – daily from trees. One particular tree is so spectacularly resilient that it can withstand even the harshest conditions and thrive with very minimal care. If you are asking if I am referring… Read more »


What lemon tree is the best?

In the proverbial phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” the lemons are used to suggest difficulties in life. But did you know that lemons actually symbolize happiness and positivity, and that in several regions and religions around the world, lemons are thought to hold a secret power? So you need not necessarily make… Read more »

Dwarf Kaffir Lime Tree 01

How tall do dwarf lime trees grow?

Have you ever wanted to grow your own citrus tree at home, but were stopped by their hulking size, or the fear that taking care of them would take up too much time? Who wouldn’t want to grow their own citrus tree in their backyard, patio, or inside the house so they could enjoy organic… Read more »

Citrus trees

How To Choose The Perfect Citrus Tree For Your Location

Have you wondered how to grow a lemon tree? Do you have enough space to plant a blood orange? In a general sense, all citrus trees have similar requirements for light, fertilizer, watering, and pruning. However, some aspects vary for certain trees such as space requirements or cold hardiness. This article covers three points to… Read more »

How To Grow Productive Citrus Trees

How To Grow Productive Citrus Trees

Fresh, delicious, citrus fruit adds flavor, variety, and joy to our lives. Citrus takes many forms, like key limes, blood oranges, or ruby red grapefruit. This wide range of flavors creates a diverse array of uses from eating citrus, to drinking orange juice, to cooking with lemons and limes. Citrus is used to add zest… Read more »

Citrus trees

When To Harvest Citrus Tree Fruit

Different varieties of citrus trees share certain characteristics that make the citrus harvesting process similar for a wide range of fruit. Since citrus does not continue to ripen once picked, the time to harvest fruit is when it’s ripe and ready to eat, juice, or use. This can be more difficult to judge for fruits… Read more »

How To Properly Mulch Citrus Trees

How To Properly Mulch Citrus Trees

Citrus trees love soil that is both free of weeds and well drained. Citrus uses shallow feeder roots to access nutrients in the topsoil, so traditional deep mulch is not the way to go with your citrus crop. Also, citrus is susceptible to root rot and damage to tree trunks and bases from excessive wetness.… Read more »

Citrus tree diseases and insects

How To Identify And Treat Citrus Tree Diseases And Insects

Citrus Tree Diseases Greasy Spot Greasy spot is a fungus, known as Mycosphaerella citri, that affects the leaves of citrus trees and thrives in tropical and subtropical climates. The fungus appears as yellow, dark brown, or black lesions that initially occur on the underside of mature citrus leaves. As the fungus develops, the spots become… Read more »

Growing a citrus tree

How To Grow Your Own Citrus Trees

Imagine strolling through your back yard and returning with arms full of juicy Honeybell oranges. Picture your neighbors swooning at the stately Meyer lemon tree gracing your front lawn and dripping with sunny jeweled fruit. Even if you live where an occasional frost walks down from the north, you can grow citrus trees at home… Read more »

Growing citrus in pots

Eight Steps To Grow Citrus In Pots

If you have limited space or live in a colder climate, but would still like to grow your own blood orange tree, Meyer lemons, or key lime tree, growing a citrus tree in a pot may be right for you. This guide describes eight steps to help you successfully grow your own citrus fruit in… Read more »

Citrus trees

Selecting The Right Citrus Tree For You

In the world of home gardening a thriving citrus tree is one of the most prized treasures. Canopies of glossy green leaves decorated with glowing oranges, sunny Meyer lemons, or juicy key limes provide both landscape focus and delicious citrus fruit. Selecting the right citrus tree to grow is the first step along the rewarding… Read more »