
Understanding Organic Citrus

When people think of a citrus grove they usually think of a commercially managed grove full of well manicured citrus trees, but an organic citrus grove is a little more chaotic looking than a traditional commercial grove. Here’s why

Citrus companies to buy from

The Best Citrus Companies to Buy Fruit From

There are a lot of choices when it comes to buying citrus fruit and citrus fruit gifts. But not all citrus fruit companies are created equal. Ordering fresh oranges, grapefruit, and specialty fruits directly from the grove is a great way to get the best quality fruit. Just make sure that you are ordering from… Read more »

Who Else Loves Valencia Oranges

Who Else Loves Valencia Oranges?

Valencia oranges are able to adapt in various climates, so they can be grown in many different states and countries. Here’s everything you wanted to know about the “King of Juice” orange – The Valencia…

Slices of citrus fruit

Citrus Fruits You Should Be Eating More

People of all ages love Florida oranges because they are the sweetest and better tasting. But the usual oranges like Navels, Valencias and Temples, are not the only citrus varieties offering wonderful health benefits. Explore other varieties from the citrus family tree, sensations of health that are richly luscious and loaded with Vitamin C: Clementine… Read more »

Florida Oranges

Why Florida Oranges Make an Excellent Gift

All around Florida, visitors may see citrus fruit such as the Indian River oranges being sold. These fresh citrus oranges are some of the healthiest fruits on the planet and make delicious pure orange juice. For those who have not tried these Florida oranges, you should definitely buy them because they are amazingly sweeter and… Read more »


The Gift of Health: Navel Oranges

The Sunshine State of Florida provide the ideal conditions for a great tasting Navel Orange that can be enjoyed in many different ways, while providing healthy benefits.