There are many occasions throughout the year, which are excellent opportunities to show you care with hand-selected orange gift baskets, especially those that contain Navel Oranges. People enjoy receiving fresh citrus basket gifts, specially oranges because they are the ideal variety for that perfect glass of orange juice.
The Navels are sweet and have a thicker skin, which makes them easier to peel for consumption or juicing. The appearance of a navel on the orange is the result of a mutation dating back to the 1800’s in Brazil. This first navel orange was then sent to the USDA in Washington, D.C. and from there throughout the United States. Essentially, all navel oranges can be tracked to the original in 1800’s.Navel Oranges are one of the most sought-after orange varieties. Round or oval, this seedless orange variety is propagated through cuttings. Fresh Navel Oranges are readily available throughout the winter until late spring. Ideal for fruit baskets to be consumed fresh or in fruit salads, as well as for extracting their juice. They are also often processed as jams and preserves.
As is the case with other citrus fruit, Navel Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and other antioxidants. They are a great source of beta-carotene and dietary fiber, with considerable amounts of potassium, calcium, iron, manganese and B Vitamins. Best for a healthy diet, Navels are low in calories and very low in fat and cholesterol, yet rich in nutrients.
The high levels of Vitamin C boost the immune system to fight diseases. It enables the body to absorb iron and calcium more efficiently. The high dietary fiber content in Navel Oranges helps control diabetes and lowering cholesterol levels. Beta-carotene is good for preventing cell damage and calcium promotes bone health. Vitamin B6 increases the production of hemoglobin in the blood, while the high levels of potassium aid in maintaining electrolyte balance in cells. Lastly, the magnesium in Navels is good for regulating blood pressure.
It is greatly beneficial to consume fresh Navel Orange juice rather than consuming the store-bought kind. This is due to the preservatives added in commercially prepared juice, which diminish or cancel most of the health benefits offered by this type of oranges.
Florida Navel Oranges are an ideal holiday gift because of their festive freshness and rich, sweet juice. The Sunshine State of Florida provides the ideal conditions for a great tasting orange that can be enjoyed in many different ways. Navels are hand-selected at the peak of flavor, as all premium Florida citrus fruits are, during their season that starts in November through January.