The Cowart Grape is one of the biggest and heaviest producing Muscadine Grapes. The strong, easy to grow vines produce bunches of very large, round, sweet, succulent, blue-black grapes. They are sweet, juicy, and great for eating fresh, making juice, grape jelly, and wine. Cowart Grape Vines are easy to grow, resistant to diseases, and can tolerate high heat summers. Grow these amazing, giant grapes anywhere in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 7 to 9, either in the ground or in pots.
Cowart Grape Vines put forth a profusion of white blooms that are self-fertile, so one vine will produce Cowart Grapes that ripen in September. Newly planted Cowart Grape Plants begin making large crops quickly, with healthy vines producing regularly after two years. The Grapes are firm with crisp edible skin and crunchy edible seeds. Plant one or more Cowart Grape Vines in your edible garden and enjoy the success of growing one of the world’s biggest, most delicious grapes.
Cowart Grape Vines, like other Grapes, grow best on a framework of elevated wires or a trellis of some type. Plant new Cowart Grape Vines at the base of your support and the vines will find their way up and upon the framework. Prune once per year in winter when the vines are dormant and remove any dead or cracked vines. Prune the most recent year’s growth back to two or three feet away from the main trunk. After pruning, always wait to fertilize until new spring growth appears.
Cowart Grape Vines should be spaced at twelve to fifteen feet apart, in order to allow plenty of room for the vigorous vines to grow. Since Cowart Muscadine Vines are self-fertile, they will grow grapes with no additional pollinator present. But, you can increase yields by growing multiple Muscadine Grapes in the same garden. Since Grape Vines climb and trail, plant each variety on its own trellis to keep vines from intertwining and making identification difficult.
Harvesting and Uses
People are often surprised and delighted when they first see the large, deep black, Cowart Grapes that can be one inch in diameter or larger. Eating giant Cowart Grapes fresh from your own vines is a special treat, but these big fruits can also be used for making grape juice, jelly, and a wide range of baked goods and desserts. Picking these big Grapes is easy and fun, and you will have a full bowl in no time. Store harvested Cowart Grapes in the refrigerator, or you can even freeze them.
Cowart Grape Vines put forth their clusters of bright white flowers from mid-spring to early summer, and the huge Cowart Grapes are ready to harvest in September. Do a taste test to determine if the Grapes are ready to eat. Ripe Cowart Grapes are glossy, deep blue-black, and filled with sweet juice. If the Grapes taste sour or at all bitter, then wait another few days and do a second tasting. Adding a few slightly unripe Cowart Grapes to a batch of Grape Jelly can provide a slight tartness that some bakers prefer. Regardless of how you use them, you are sure to fall in love with this special Grape.
Growing Zones
Cowart Grape Vines do best when planted in full sun and well-drained, sandy, loam soil. The ideal soil pH for Cowarts is between 5.5 and 6.5. The plants will grow in soil that has a high amount of clay, as long as the ground consistently drains and is never saturated for any length of time. Increase drainage in dense, poor-draining soil by adding gravel, coarse sand, and/or perlite to an area four times the size of the potted vine’s rootball when planting.
Mulch the ground under Cowart Grape Vines with three to four inches of organic material. Suitable mulches include hay, wood chips, composted leaves, and grass clippings. Remember that when you add organic compost such as grass clippings and leaves, you are also adding some nitrogen to the soil. Keep this in mind when fertilizing, and be careful to never add too much nitrogen to your grapes. Excessive nitrogen can cause vigorous vines but fewer blooms.
Do Cowart Muscadine Grapes need special soil?
No, Cowart Grapes are not at all picky about their soil type, as long as the ground drains well and there is an average amount of available organic matter.
Where can Cowart Grapes be grown?
Cowart Grape plants are perfect for growing in USDA Zones 7 to 9, in full sun to partial shade, and upon a trellis or fence.
What is the sugar content of Cowart Grapes?
Cowart Grapes have an average sugar content of 17%. This naturally occurring sugar makes these large Grapes very sweet.
What is the origin of the Cowart Grape variety?
The Cowart Grape was developed by B.O. Fry at the University of Georgia, and released in 1968. It is the result of a cross between Higgins and GA-28.
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