The Calamondin (Calamansi ) tree is a cross between a tangerine and a kumquat, and produces a small, thin-skinned, tart citrus fruit that is great to eat out of hand, or for use as juice, in salads, and for cooking.
The Calamondin (Calamansi ) tree is a cross between a tangerine and a kumquat, and produces a small, thin-skinned, tart citrus fruit that is great to eat out of hand, or for use as juice, in salads, and for cooking. The fruit is orange, up to two or three inches across, and appears among dark green, glossy foliage.
Calamondins can be grown in the ground in USDA Zones 8 – 11, or in a container on a patio or indoors if you are in USDA Zones 4 – 11. Calamondin Trees reach a size of 6 to 8 feet when grown in the ground in a sunny location and within their ideal growing zones. Container-grown Calamondins grow to about 4 to 6 feet in height.
Calamansi Trees are represent good luck for the Chinese New Year!
Calamondins prefer slightly acidic, well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. You can add composted leaves or grass clippings to the soil to enrich the ground, and sand to encourage drainage. If you are growing your Calamondin Tree in a pot, use potting soil amended with additional coarse sand and perlite for better drainage.
Calamondins are great for growing on a patio or indoors in a suitable container, as long as the tree gets as much light as possible. For the highest yield of fruit, the tree should receive at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. Always bring a potted Calamondin Tree indoors if freezing temperatures are possible. When moving a citrus tree’s location, some leaves may fall, but they will naturally grow back.
Fruit & Harvesting
Calamondins bloom at various times across the entire year, but the heaviest bloom appears in early spring. This produces fruit that is ready to use from June through November. Because of this, Calamondins have become a favorite around the holidays. Use clippers to harvest fruit when it is bright orange and has a tart but refreshing taste.
The best way to know if any citrus is ready, is to do a taste test. If the Calamondin is less than juicy and has a more acidic taste, wait for one week and do another taste test. Since Calamondins can bloom at different times, focus more on fruit color and size to determine maturity, rather than the specific time of the season.
Growing Zones
Calamondins are a cross between a tangerine (or mandarin) and a kumquat. This makes for a more tart, small orange. As such, the fruit is very well suited for juice in place of limes, or as an ingredient in salsas, cakes, preserves, and marinades.
Always collect and remove any fallen fruit from the base of your Calamondin Tree, as decomposing fruit can encourage molds, fungi, and pests that can harm the tree. Also, be sure to remove any remaining fruit at the end of the season, and before the next main bloom in spring. This will help the tree to recover, and produce a healthy crop year after year.
Can you eat the skin of a Calamondin?
The skin of a Calamondin is indeed edible. Much like a kumquat, the skin can be sweeter, while the flesh can be more tart. Oils from the skin lend a balanced sweetness to the tangy juice when calamondins are squeezed for their juice. The skin can also be used as zest, in marmalades, or as an ingredient in chutney or other dishes and desserts.
How long will harvested Calamondins last?
Once you pick Calamondins, they will remain in fine condition for a few days and up to a week at room temperature. You can prolong their shelf life by refrigerating them. You can also squeeze and freeze the juice for later use in recipes and beverages.
Is the Calamondin tree a good choice to grow in a pot?
Yes. The small size of the Calamondin tree, and the smaller sized fruit it produces, make it a perfect candidate for growing in a container. If you are in a colder area, you can even grow the Calamondin Tree in a pot indoors, as long as you give it plenty of light and adequate water.
Does the Calamondin Tree need a pollinator to grow fruit?
No. The Calamondin Tree is self-fertile and does not require a second pollinator tree to produce fruit. Calamondin trees grown in the proximity of a second viable pollinating tree, however, may produce even more fruit. To maximize yields, you could grow your Calamondin Tree with a Kumquat, tangerine, or another Calamondin, but this is not needed in order for your tree to grow fruit.
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