Hass Avocado Tree

Growing Zones in Ground: 8 - 11 / in Pots: 4 - 11


Size Height Add Gift Wrap Price
5L EverPot™ 2 - 3 FT No $109.99
5L EverPot™ 2 - 3 FT Yes $119.99
AccessoriesEssential add-ons to ensure the health and growth of your trees. Accessories ship separately but at the same time as your tree.

Ships on Tuesday, January 28th

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The Hass Avocado Tree is one of the most widely cultivated and consumed avocados in the US. All Hass Avocado trees come from a single tree grown in California and named for the original owner of this remarkable fruit. The small, green fruit turns black when ripe, has a bumpy skin, small seed, and outstanding flavor. 

Hass Avocado Trees have a long season, and are ready to pick from April through September. They are cold-sensitive below 32 degrees, and do best in full sun in USDA Zones 8 to 11. The Hass Avocado Tree can reach heights of 25 to 35 feet, and a width of up to 18 feet. They grow upright with small, dark green leaves and greyish-brown bark. 

Avocado Tree Care

Hass Avocado Trees can be grown in the ground in USDA Zones 8 to 11. In these areas choose a location that is well drained, receives at least 6 hours of sunlight per day, and has at least 12 feet of room on all sides for growth. Hass Avocados like to be well watered and well drained. You can mulch the ground under and around your Hass Avocado Tree, but do not allow dead or pruned branches to collect at the tree base. Dead branches can harbor fungi that may damage new growth or blooms.  

Water the Hass Avocado Tree at least once a week (or when soil is dry down to 2 inches) for the first year the tree is in the ground. Mature trees require less watering, and fully grown trees need very little ground watering, especially in winter months. However, always water fertilizer in well when applying.  

Fruit & Harvesting

Hass Avocados are considered a small avocado, with individual fruit weighing between 10 and 12 ounces. The Hass Avocado tree is an  “A-Type” bloom, so it can pair well with a “B-Type” Avocado if you wish to increase yields. But the Hass Avocado tree is capable of producing fruit as a single tree, especially if grown in an area where other avocado trees are common. 

The fruit of the Hass Avocado Tree is black when mature, bumpy, oval shaped, and about 3 to 4 inches long. The flesh is smooth, creamy, yellow, and has a nutty agreeable flavor that can be used for any traditional avocado application or recipe. They are often called California Avocados in grocery stores, and are popular at markets nearly year-round.  But normally these trees harvest between February-September.

Growing Zones


The Hass Avocado Tree is on the more cold-sensitive end of most avocados. This tree can be grown in a container in colder areas, and over-wintered indoors. You can grow a Hass Avocado Tree on a patio or even inside, as long as you give it as much direct sunlight as possible with a minimum of 7 hours for a tree grown indoors. Choose a pot at least twice as big as the current container, and re-pot every year. 

Hass Avocado Trees like soil that is rich in organic matter, not compacted, and quick to drain. If growing in a pot, you can add 1 part perlite to 4 parts of commercial potting soil. To increase soil volume, you can also add clean sand, composted manure, and shredded tree bark. Be sure the pot has holes for drainage, and catch excess water in a planting saucer if watering indoors.



Is it true that Hass Avocado Trees will only grow in California?

No. Hass Avocado Trees can be grown in the ground in USDA Zones 8 to 11. This includes Florida, California, coastal areas of Texas, Louisiana, Arizona, and some other southern states. The Hass Avocado will grow outdoors in any low-to-mid altitude area that is safe from freezing temperatures in winter.

Does my Hass Avocado Tree need a pollinator?

Hass Avocado Trees can grow avocados alone in areas where other avocado trees are common. If you wish to benefit from cross pollination, pair your Hass Avocado Tree with a complimentary flower type avocado.

Why are Hass Avocado Fruit so expensive in the store?

Hass Avocados grow on a tropical fruit tree that must be watered, fed, and maintained much like a citrus or other fruit tree. The fruit is picked by hand, and the dense, heavy crop is then shipped to locations across the country. All of this production adds up to a costly fruit. The cost of avocados in the store is just one factor that makes growing your own tree a good choice.

Can you eat an Avocado before it is ripe?

While some mangoes can be eaten green, in salads or pickled, the Avocado is only eaten when the flesh turns soft and creamy. This takes about a week after picking a mature fruit.