Guava Jam is a tropical treat that is a favorite among many Caribbean and Pacific Island cooks. The sweet Guava fruit has a unique perfumed scent and a flavor that is both tart and mellow. Guava Jam is easy to make and can be used as a topping for breads such as toast, biscuits, and muffins. Guava Jam is also a great way to add a taste of the tropics to ice cream, smoothies, cakes, and pies.
This traditional Guava Jam Recipe is an excellent way to use the large crops of Guavas that a mature Guava Tree will deliver each year. So get these simple ingredients together and make a batch of tropical Guava Jam to enjoy and share.
6 pounds of ripe Guavas
5 Cups White Sugar
Juice from one ripe Lemon
Wash Guavas in cool water and dry them with a clean towel. Cut each Guava into four or five pieces and place into a large stock pot. Add water so the bottom is covered and the water is about 1-inch deep. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and boil for 10 to 15 minutes or until the Guavas are tender.
Remove from heat, cover, and allow the cooked Guavas to cool for about thirty minutes. Once cool, use a hand blender to blend the Guavas and remaining water until smooth. Transfer the mixture into a fine mesh sieve and push through the sieve into a bowl with a large spoon to remove the hard seeds.
Pour the Guava mixture back into the stock pot. Add the lemon juice and sugar then bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Stir constantly. Once the puree boils, reduce to medium-low heat and cook for 30 minutes, stirring often to prevent sticking.
Remove from heat and transfer the Guava Jam into clean, sanitized canning jars. Cover the jars with tight-fitting lids and refrigerate for up to several weeks.
For a more tangy Guava Jam, use a combination of one pound of partially ripe Guavas and five pounds of ripe Guavas.
Guava Seeds can be removed before cooking to eliminate the need to strain later.
For an even richer flavor, use light brown sugar in place of white sugar.