One of the most popular varieties of Pomegranate, the Wonderful Pomegranate, is loved for the sweet, berry-like flavor of its juicy, red, pulp covered seeds called arils. The delicious edible arils are filled with antioxidants, potassium, vitamin C, iron, and folic acid. Wonderful Pomegranate Trees are suited for growing in the ground in USDA growing Zones 7 to 11, or in a pot in Zones 4 to 11 if overwintered inside. Mature Wonderful Pomegranate Trees reach a size of 25 feet tall, and 15 to 20 feet wide.
Wonderful Pomegranate Trees can take temperatures down to 10ºF, and will grow in any soil type that drains well and has some organic matter. Mature trees require very little care or added water, and are considered one of the lowest maintenance fruit trees available. Wonderful Pomegranate Trees are also long-lived, grow well in a pot, and can produce delicious nutritious Pomegranates for generations. The self-pollinated Wonderful Pomegranate Tree is an easy to grow ornamental fruit tree with fragrant blooms and bright red, large Pomegranates you can pick right from your own back yard.
In USDA Zones 7 to 11, the Wonderful Pomegranate Tree can be grown in the ground as a stunning single specimen, or as a hedge. As a tree it is easily maintained at smaller sizes such as 10 to 15 feet tall. Both styles of planting produce vivid red flowers in spring. The 4 to 6 inch round red fruit ripens in fall and winter, and is favored as a traditional holiday table decoration. Wonderful Pomegranate Trees are highly tolerant of drought, but will not resent watering when the soil is dry to a depth of 2 inches.
Trim established hedges of Wonderful Pomegranate every other month, and only trim one side per trim. For example, trim the front side of the edge one time, trim the top the next time, and trim the hedge’s back side the time after that. Trimming your Wonderful Pomegranate hedge in this manner will encourage dense foliage and many blooms. Refrain from trimming the Wonderful Pomegranate hedge when blooms and fruit are present.
Wonderful Pomegranate Fruit & Harvesting
A healthy Wonderful Pomegranate Tree growing in a sunny spot within Zones 7 to 11 should produce and hold fruit within 3 or 4 years of planting. Wonderful Pomegranate Trees bloom their bright red blooms in spring, and the fruit ripens in the fall and through early winter. Wonderful Pomegranates are ripe when the fruit turns deep red. Harvest by hand using hand pruners, or with a pole-mounted fruit-picking basket for higher fruits.
Ripe Pomegranates can be stored for one month in a cool pantry, or a kitchen fruit bowl. If you wish to keep harvested Pomegranates longer, they will store for up to two months in the refrigerator. The edible parts of a Pomegranate are called arils, which are the small, red, pulp covered seeds. The crunchy seeds and sweet, juicy pulp are edible and added to salads, desserts, and juiced for drinks. Inside the durable rind are the arils, nestled under the white pithy albedo and within the transparent yellow membrane. The albedo and membrane are not eaten.
Growing Zones
Removing the tiny, delicious, jewel-like arils from the Wonderful Pomegranate interior can seem a bit tedious, but there is a simple way to do the job. Cut off the blossom end down to about an inch into the fruit. Score the outer rind from the opened top to the bottom in quarters. Submerge the fruit into a large bowl filled with cool water and break the submerged fruit into the scored quarters. Gently pull away the albedo and membranes, and the tiny delicious arils will sink, while the membranes and albedo pith will float. Remove the membranes and albedo, and strain out the arils.
Wonderful Pomegranate Trees are a great fruit tree to grow in a container. Choose a sturdy container with drainage holes and use potting soil that drains well. Pot your new Wonderful Pomegranate Tree in early spring and place it in a spot that gets full sun. Water newly potted Wonderful Pomegranate Trees once per week for the first 2 months. Once the potted Wonderful Pomegranate Tree is putting on new leaves, only water when the soil is dry to 2 inches deep.
How do you eat a Wonderful Pomegranate?
Pomegranates are filled with red, juicy, sweet-tart pulp covered seeds called arils. The arils are eaten fresh or juiced, and the protective pith inside the thick rind is discarded.
Can a Wonderful Pomegranate Tree grow in a pot and still make fruit?
Yes, Pomegranate Trees can grow fruit when living in a container. In fact, even Pomegranates grown as Bonsai Trees have been known to produce edible fruit.
Can I grow a Wonderful Pomegranate Tree from seed?
Pomegranate Trees can be grown from seeds, but seedlings take up to 10 more years to grow fruit than a grafted tree. Seedling Pomegranate Trees are also likely to produce inferior fruit compared to a known cultivar from a nursery.
How cold hardy is a Wonderful Pomegranate Tree?
Pomegranate Trees can survive temperatures as low as 10ºF. They are suited to grow in the ground within USDA Zones 7 to 11.
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