The Tropic Sweet Peach Tree is perfect for warmer locations where other peaches may not be at home. Tropic Sweet Peach Trees only need about 200 Chill Hours per year to bloom and produce fruit. These fruit trees are suggested for growing in-ground within USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 8 to 10, or in pots in USDA Zones 4 to 10. Tropic Sweet Peaches are medium-sized, freestone fruits with orange skins, red blush, and cream-to-yellow flesh. Ripe Tropic Sweet Peaches are juicy, melting, and very sweet. They like full sun, good airflow, and rich but well-drained soil.
Tropic Sweet Peach Trees grow to heights of 15 to 18 feet, and widths of about 15 feet. They produce showy pink to red blooms in spring and the fresh delicious peaches will be ready to harvest in June or July. A potted Tropic Sweet Peach Tree on a patio or deck will always make a sophisticated focal point with its dark green curved leaves and bright orange and red blushed fruits. Include the Tropic Sweet Peach Tree in your edible landscape and enjoy your own fresh summer peaches.
Tropic Sweet Peach Trees can be easily grown in the hotter climates of the south. Plant in full sun, or a spot that gets at least 6 hours of direct sun each day in the spring and summer. Remember that the trees will eventually spread to about 15 feet wide. Plant multiple Tropic Sweet Peach Trees with at least 15 feet of growing room on all sides. This will allow the trees to grow into balanced shapes, and also provide access for pruning and harvesting.
Prune Tropic Sweet Peach Trees when the trees are dormant. Most Tropic Sweet Peach Trees growing in the recommended zones of 8 to 10 will be dormant in February. Prune each tree to have three main branches after it has been in the ground for one full year. Then, in the third winter, prune those three main branches so that they have three main growing limbs. Doing this will help the tree grow into a balanced shape that can support heavy crops of peaches.
Fruit & Harvesting
Tropic Sweet Peach Trees grow medium-sized orange-red peaches that ripen about 12 to 14 weeks after the trees bloom. They will start to reliably produce fruit once they have been growing in the ground for 2 to 3 years. Ripe Tropic Sweet Peaches will have red blush and will be slightly soft when squeezed on the tree. Harvest by pulling down with a gentle twist. Tropic Sweet Peaches are great for eating fresh out of hand, and for baking into cobblers and peach pies. The freestone, melting fruits are also good for making smoothies or for juicing. Adding peach juice to orange juice makes a refreshing, tropical juice treat.
The best way to consume Tropic Sweet Peaches is by picking and eating them as they ripen on the tree. You can store harvested peaches in the refrigerator for a few days. To store them for longer periods of time, peel, seed, and slice the fresh peaches, then freeze them. Freeze peach slices in a single layer on a cookie sheet for an hour, then transfer to an airtight container and freeze for up to several months. Freezing in this way prevents the peaches from freezing into a solid block, which makes using them easier when you are ready.
When growing Tropic Sweet Peach Trees in the ground, never let grass grow up to the tree base. A common mistake made by new home growers is planting fruit trees on a sunny lawn, and allowing grass to cover the soil over the tree roots. This has two negative effects. First, the grass robs an astounding amount of water and nutrition from the fruit tree roots. In short, the water is absorbed by the grass and never gets down to irrigate the tree. Secondly, lawn fertilizers are high in nitrogen percentages, because they are made to help grass grow. This type of nutrition will cause fruit trees to grow spectacular leaves, but far fewer fruits.
The best situation for a Tropic Sweet Peach Tree is in the ground in a sunny spot with no grass or weeds growing in a 6 to 8 foot diameter circle around the tree base. Build an 8-nch high soil berm mound around the perimeter of the tree’s circle bed, and mulch this bed with 3 to 5 inches of organic mulch. You can mulch with shredded tree bark, wood chips, grass clippings, and raked leaves. Fertilize peach trees with a light application of fruit tree fertilizer every three months and water in well. Giving your Tropic Sweet Peach Tree such a good home and nutritious diet will help it reward you with bountiful peach harvests year after year.
Where can I grow a Tropic Sweet Peach Tree?
Tropic Sweet Peach Trees can be grown in the ground in USDA Zones 8 to 10.
Do Tropic Sweet Peach Trees need to be pruned?
Tropic Sweet Peach Trees should be pruned when they are dormant in February to keep them in a balanced, sturdy shape.
Do Tropic Sweet Peach Trees need a pollinator tree?
Tropic Sweet Peach Trees are self-pollinating so one tree can grow fruit. Growing two or more Peach Trees will produce higher yields.
Are Tropic Sweet Peach Trees cold hardy?
Yes. Tropic Sweet Peach Trees can take freezing temperatures as low as 20ºF.
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