No edible landscape is complete without a Guava Tree, and the Thai White Guava is a productive addition to be sure. The Thai White Guava Tree is easy to grow, will tolerate dry conditions, and performs well in nearly all soil types. The medium-sized fruit of the tropical Thai White Guava Tree is firm, juicy, and has sweet crisp flesh. Guavas are great for eating fresh or adding an exotic taste to juices and blended beverages. The evergreen trees produce green fruits that are shaped like rounded pears and have bright white pulp.
Tropical Thai White Guava Trees are suited to grow in the ground in USDA Growing Zones 8 to 11, and in pots in Zones 4 to 11. They like full to partial sun, well drained soil, and plenty of organic matter such as compost or mulch added to the topsoil. Self-fertile Thai White Guava Trees can begin producing fruit as soon as their second year in the ground. Plant one or more Thai White Guava Trees in your home garden and see why this versatile fruit is grown throughout the tropical climates of the world.
Thai White Guava Tree Care
Thai White Guava Trees are small trees so you can fit them into almost any garden or yard. Mature Thai White Guava Trees will grow to about 10 to 12 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Space new trees 15 feet apart, or 15 feet away from structures and taller trees. Plant in full sun if possible, or in a spot that gets at least 3 or 4 hours of direct sunlight per day. Water newly planted trees in well, and mulch the ground around the tree base. Guava Trees can take short periods of dry soil much better than periods of flooding. Be sure to plant in a well-drained location not prone to long-term saturation.
Prune Thai White Guava Trees in late winter after all fruit has been removed. Cut the tallest center branches off about 5 or 6 feet above the main trunk. Cut side branches shorter, to create a balanced shape. This will help the tree grow a sturdy frame to support large crops of Guavas. Be sure to collect any fallen fruit and compost or discard it to discourage pests and fungi from thriving near the growing trees.
Fruit & Harvesting
Thai White Guavas are eaten fresh, added to salads, and made into juice for tropical drinks. Guavas are also baked into pastries and sweet cakes. Thai White Guava Trees bloom in March or April and the Guavas are usually ready three or four later. Thai White Guava Trees are self-pollinating, so one tree will make fruit, but multiple trees will have higher yields. Many Guava Trees will grow fruit in their first or second year in the ground, depending on location and care.
Begin harvesting Thai White Guavas about three to four months after the first blooms appear. The fruit will become more fragrant and start to turn from deep green to brighter green or slightly yellow. Ripe fruits are between 3 and 4-inches long, oval or pear shaped, and have waxy, somewhat bumpy skin. The mature Guavas yield slightly if squeezed and are best picked by hand using pruners. Harvested Guavas are eaten fresh, used in fruit salads, and pressed for juice. Ripe fruit is best eaten within two days, and can be refrigerated for as long as a week.
Thai White Guava Trees are tropical fruit trees that will not tolerate freezing or frost, particularly when the trees are young. In locations that experience freezing winters, grow Thai White Guava Trees in 7 to 20-gallon pots with drainage holes. Use potting soil mix with added compost and allow water to drain fully when watering. Apply timed-release fertilizer formulated for fruit trees every three months in amounts suggested by the manufacturer according to tree size.
In Zones 9 to 11, plant Thai White Guava Trees in the ground in a spot that gets 6 or more hours of sun per day. Locations to the south of a building, garden shed, or tall hedge can provide cover from cold north winds, and still allow a southern exposure for direct sunlight. Water new trees once a day for a week, then once per week until new growth appears as fresh leaves and new stems along older branches. Once the tree is established in this way, reduce watering to times when the soil is dry down to two inches deep.
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