Page Mandarin Tree

Growing Zones in Ground: 8 - 11 / in Pots: 4 - 11


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1 Gallon 2 - 3 FT $74.95
AccessoriesEssential add-ons to ensure the health and growth of your trees. Accessories ship separately but at the same time as your tree.
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The Page Mandarin is a tangelo hybrid resulting from a cross between a Clementine and a Minneola Tangelo. The result is a very juicy, sweet, easy-to-peel citrus that is the smaller size of a tangerine, with the rich flavor that equals or exceeds many larger oranges

The Page Mandarin is a tangelo hybrid resulting from a cross between a Clementine and a Minneola Tangelo. The result is a very juicy, sweet, easy-to-peel citrus that is the smaller size of a tangerine, with a rich flavor that equals or exceeds many larger oranges. The trees have beautiful, dark green leaves, very few thorns, and are considered easy to grow.

Page Mandarins thrive in warmer weather, so they can be grown in the ground in USDA Zones 8 – 11, or in a container on a deck, or indoors if you are in USDA Zones 4 – 11. The Page Mandarin Tree will reach a mature size of between 8 and 10 feet tall, and 6 to 8 feet wide. Trees grown in pots tend to be somewhat smaller.

Citrus Tree Care

If you are planting your Page Mandarin Tree in the ground, be sure to allow room for the tree to increase in size as it matures. Select a location that is at least 8 to 10 feet away from any other tree, building, or structure. Plant in a location that gets at least 5 hours of sun per day if possible. The more sunlight your tree gets, the more blooms and fruit it will produce.

The Page Mandarin Tree does not need to be pruned. However, you can prune your tree to keep it at a desired size. Prune in late fall before blooms appear, and after any chance of frost or freezing temperatures. Throughout the year, water once per week or less, depending upon soil conditions and drainage. Page Mandarins must have well-drained soil, never stand in water, and will do better in drier conditions. In fact, their drought tolerance is one of the advantages to growing this tree.

Fruit & Harvesting

The Page Mandarin tree blooms in spring, and the fruit can be mature and ready to eat as soon as October. Fruit can last on the Page Mandarin Tree for up to 4 months, so you could have fresh, sweet citrus from this tree until February.

The fruit is ready when it is deep orange and sweet tasting. Do a taste test to know for sure. Page Mandarins have a thin, very easy-to-peel skin, so unless you are picking a single fruit to eat right at that moment, you must be cautious to not tear the rind as you pick each fruit. When harvesting Page Mandarins, use hand clippers and carefully clip each fruit from its branch.

Growing Zones


The Page Mandarin tree is self-fertile, and will produce fruit as a single specimen. But, you can dramatically increase the amount of fruit by pairing it with a second Page Mandarin Tree for cross-pollination. If you are growing your tree exclusively indoors, or indoors for the colder months, you can pollinate the blooms by hand with a sterile cotton swab or a small paint brush, by lightly touching multiple flowers, to simulate the activity of bees and other insects.

It is said that more tangerines and tangelo hybrids die from over-watering, than under-watering. Before watering check the soil, and only water your tree if the soil is dry down to at least 2 inches. Properly draining soil for a container-grown Page Mandarin is essential. Amend potting soil with perlite and sand to help the potted tree drain, and only water when the top few inches have fully dried out.


How should I fertilize a Page Mandarin Tree?

For the best results fertilize your tree with citrus-formulated fertilizer once every six weeks between March and August. From September through February, reduce the fertilizing frequency to once every 2 months. Follow the fertilizer manufacturer’s directions to match the amount of fertilizer to your tree’s size.

Do Page Mandarins make good juice?

Yes. In fact, many consider the juice from Page Mandarins to be one of the most superior of all citrus juices. The fruit has a balance of sweetness and a slight tangy tartness that make its juice refreshing and intensely flavorful.

Does the Page Mandarin Tree need a pollinator to grow fruit?

No. The Page Mandarin Tree is self-pollinating and will produce fruit on its own. But pairing a Page Mandarin Tree with a suitable pollinator, such as another Page Mandarin, can drastically increase yields. Trees grown outdoors benefit from the pollination of bees and insects, but indoor trees can be easily hand pollinated.

Are Page Mandarin trees cold sensitive?

All citrus trees are tropical and do best in warmer climates. Page Mandarins can be grown in the ground in USDA Zones 8-11. If you are in a colder area, you can grow your tree in a pot outside in summer, then bring it indoors over the winter months. Temperatures below freezing can damage the Page Mandarin’s fruit or tree.