Glen Navel Orange Tree for sale online are easy to grow and produce extremely sweet fruit. Glen navels are prized for their seedless, super-sweet sections and easy-to-peel skin.
Glen Navel Oranges are among the juiciest navels. They are easy to grow and produce extremely sweet fruit. Glen navels are prized for their seedless, super-sweet sections and easy-to-peel skin. The medium to large Glen Navels reach a mature size of 4 to 5 inches in diameter, are bright orange, and have a slightly bumpy skin.
The fruit is terrific for making fresh juice, eating out of hand, or adding to salads and savory dishes. Glen Navel Orange trees display evergreen, dark-green foliage and the trees need not be pruned to maintain a shapely round canopy that will reach 12 to 15 feet tall and 15 feet wide. Also, since the Glen Navel is self-fertile, these trees do not require a pollinator tree to produce loads of delicious fruit.
Glen Navel Orange trees can be grown in large pots or in the ground. If you are in USDA zones 8-11, plant your tree in the ground in spring after any chance of frost. Select a location that gets as much direct sun as possible. Allow at least 15 clear feet around the tree for growth and airflow. Protection from north winds is an added advantage for citrus so consider planting in a spot with cover to the north from structures such as buildings, established hedges, or trees.
Once planted water once per week while allowing the soil to dry fully down to 2 inches between watering. After the tree is established and has been in the ground for at least 3 months, you can fertilize with citrus-formulated fertilizer. Follow fertilizer manufacturer directions for dosage according to the tree’s size.
Prune away any dead branches and suckers that appear at the tree trunk’s base. You can mulch the soil under the tree, but do not stack mulch against the tree trunk, which can promote trunk rot. Keep mulch and fallen leaves raked back at least a foot away from the tree base.
Fruit & Harvesting
Glen Navels bloom in summer and are ready to harvest from fall into winter. Fruit is mature and ready to eat when it is bright orange, sweet, and juicy. The best way to know is to do a taste test. Fruit that is not quite ready will lack the sweetness and be less juicy than mature fruit. Citrus does not continue to ripen once picked. The mature fruit can remain on the tree for a few months so you can often enjoy this citrus up to early spring. It is important to remove all fruit from the tree before the next summer bloom to encourage healthy blossoms and an abundant crop. Excess fruit can be shared, juiced and frozen, or composted.
Growing Zones
Like all citrus trees, the Glen Navel will not tolerate long periods of saturated soil. A well-drained location is essential for a healthy citrus crop. Test your soil by fully saturating the ground where you intend to plant the tree with a flowing water hose. Check moisture levels after 24 hours. If standing water or soggy topsoil remains, then you can amend the ground with a mixture of coarse sand and organic compost before planting your tree. For soils rich in clay you can also add perlite to encourage drainage.
Do not allow fallen fruit to collect at the tree’s base. This can encourage pests, mold, and fruit flies.
How Big is the fruit on a Glen Navel Orange Tree?
Glen Navel Oranges are considered to be a medium to large navel. A mature Glen Navel will reach a size of about four to five inches across.
Is the Glen Navel orange tree a good tree to get, if I only have room for one citrus tree?
If you only have room for one citrus tree, you should first carefully consider what type of citrus you use the most. The broad choice will first be between a lemon, lime, grapefruit, or orange. If you decide that you want a single orange tree, then the easy-to-peel Glen Navel is a fine choice. They are good for juice, eating out of hand, or in dishes that use oranges.
What is the best fertilizer for my Glen Navel Orange Tree?
The best thing to feed your Glen Navel is fertilizer formulated for citrus trees. Citrus-specific fertilizers contain the proper balance of nutrients, micronutrients and minerals to support both tree growth and fruit production. Avoid using common lawn fertilizers, which are higher in nitrogen, and can result in bigger trees but less blooms and fruit.
Can I keep this tree small, to fit in a smaller garden space?
The natural size of a Glen Navel Orange Tree is between twelve to fifteen feet tall, and fifteen feet wide. As citrus trees go, this is considered a medium to smaller-sized tree. However, you can keep the tree smaller for a small space by pruning. Prune in early spring after all chance of frost, but before the tree blooms in summer.
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