The Flordagold Peach Tree grows delicious medium-sized peaches with firm yellow flesh and a yellow-red blushed skin. The Flordagold Peach Tree requires a short chill period, so it is good for growing in warmer climates. You can grow a Flordagold Peach Tree in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 5 to 9, where it will do best in the ground, in a sunny spot, with well-drained soil.
Flordagold Peach Trees grow to between 12 and 20 feet tall. They can be pruned to help maintain a balanced shape and to keep the tree smaller overall. These peach trees are self-pollinating, so you only need a pollinator tree if you want to grow even more peaches. If you are limited on space, the smaller tree size makes the Flordagold Peach Tree a good variety for growing in a pot. The Flordagold is a versatile, sweet peach that is suited to warmer areas and is easy to grow.
Flordagold Peach Trees can be grown in areas as far south as north and north-central Florida. They are resistant to bacterial spot disease, which also makes them attractive to growers in warmer areas of USDA Zones 5 to 9. They reach sizes of between 15 to 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide. Be sure to space accordingly when planting. Flordagold Peach Trees like direct sun and sandy, loamy soil that drains well.
The Flordagold Peach Tree is self-fertile, so a solitary tree will bloom and grow fruit. The bright pink blooms appear in early to mid spring. You can prune your Flordagold Peach Tree to keep it at a smaller size. Prune in late winter before new leaf growth appears. Always prune away any dead branches, and remove excessive fallen limbs, or woody brush from the tree’s immediate area. You can mulch Flordagold Peach Trees with shredded bark, grass, or leaves to help retain moisture and discourage weeds.
Fruit & Harvesting
After blooming in spring, the Flordagold Peach Tree will produce small peaches that will increase in size and ripen over a period of about 4 months. Flordagold Peaches are usually ripe and ready to eat between July and August. Fresh peaches can be picked when they blush red and the fruit is slightly soft and has a sweet taste. An unripe peach will be slightly astringent and dry when sampled. Taste tests are the best way to know if peaches are ready to harvest.
Flordagold Peaches are a favorite for eating fresh, but they can also be used in any peach recipe such as canning, making jam, ice cream, baked goods, or smoothies and drinks. Frozen peaches are great for blended drinks and freezing also extends the time the fruit can be stored.
Growing Zones
Flordaking Peach Trees can be grown in many ways. You can grow a single tree in the garden, or two trees in large pots to frame a patio entry. You can also grow a row of peach trees as a border along the edges of your property. Since Flordaking Peach Trees can be pruned, they can be kept small enough to have in a smaller garden. Many growers use Flordaking Peach Trees as yard focal points so they can enjoy seeing the pink blooms and peach-colored fruits.
Whether you grow a Flordaking Peach Tree in the ground or in a container, be sure it gets ample sunlight, has well-drained soil, and is somewhat protected from harsh winds if possible. You can plant the Flordaking Peach Tree on the south side of a building or hedge to protect it from heavy northern winds. This can be especially important when the tree is in bloom.
Can the Flordagold Peach Tree be grown in Florida?
Yes, Flordagold Peach Tree can be grown in USDA Zones 5 to 9, and this includes much of north and north-central Florida.
How many peaches will a Flordagold Peach Tree produce?
Tree size, health, and age all play a part in fruit production. A healthy, mature (3 to 4 yrs), in-gound Flordagold Peach Tree in the proper zone with ample sunlight and nutrition can grow hundreds of peaches each season. A younger tree producing its first crop may only grow a dozen or fewer fruits to ripeness.
Does the Flordagold Peach Tree need a pollinator?
Flordagold Peach Trees are self-fertile and can grow fruit with only one tree. Peach trees grown with compatible pollinator companions will almost always grow more fruit.
Can peaches be left on the tree and only picked when eaten?
Peaches ripen in stages with some earlier set fruit becoming ripe before others on the same tree. Eventually all the fruit will ripen and even fall from the tree. But you can pick as you go for a time as the fruit matures. However, the longer each fruit is left on the tree, the more each will ripen.
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