Dwarf Eureka Lemon Tree

Growing Zones in Ground: 8 - 11 / in Pots: 4 - 11


Size Height Shape Price
1 Gallon 2 - 3 FT Standard $69.95
AccessoriesEssential add-ons to ensure the health and growth of your trees. Accessories ship separately but at the same time as your tree.
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Dwarf Eureka lemon trees are open-branching so they need very minimal pruning and have nearly no thorns. The Eureka Lemon tree produces large, vibrant yellow fruit that are carried at the end of branches. The seedless, yellow or pink flesh of Eureka lemons is juicy and has a tangy, acidic flavor.

Lemon lime trees are prized by home growers for their lush, evergreen foliage and juicy, piquant fruits. One of the most typical citrus trees found inside the house, in home gardens, or on patios is the Dwarf Eureka Lemon tree.

Originally from California and grown from seeds that came from the Italian Citrus limon “Lunario” cultivar, the Eureka Lemon Tree (Citrus limon “Eureka”) is a true lemon tree that bears fruit and flowers all throughout the year. Therefore, the Eureka lemon is also called the ‘Four Seasons’ (Quatre Saisons). This lemon tree is exactly what you need to keep a constant supply of healthy and juicy fruit.

Dwarf Eureka Lemon trees grow well in a pot and can be brought indoors during cold weather. When taken inside, this citrus tree can give your home a clean, fresh scent. You can use the lemons for cooking, baking, making lemonade, cocktails, and even cleaning.

Eureka lemon trees are open-branching so they need very minimal pruning and have nearly no thorns so they are very easy to handle and are safe if you have children around.

The Eureka Lemon tree produces large, vibrant yellow fruits that are carried at the end of branches so they are more exposed to the sun and ripen well even during the cold seasons. The peel of this luscious fruit is full of an oil causing the fruit to give off a strong citrus scent. The seedless, yellow or pink flesh of Eureka lemons is juicy and has a tangy, acidic flavor.

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Citrus Tree Care

Citrus trees need minimal care and are recommended to be planted in ground by the US Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 thru 11 but can be planted in pots and taken taken indoors in USDA zones 4 thru 7 during cold, frigid weather or when temperatures drop below 32 degrees °F.

  • The Eureka Lemon tree, just like other citrus trees, flourish in warm, subtropical climates. Choose a sunny location for your fruit tree to get great yield of fantastic lemons. However, you have to protect your young tree from sunburn and wrap the tree trunks with paper bark wrap or paint. During cold temperatures, protect the young lemon tree from cold winds and frost by taking them indoors or providing a constant source of heat.
  • Plant a lemon lime tree on a raised bed or container with soil that drains well.
  • Thoroughly water lemon trees twice a week, or daily if the weather is hot and dry. Make sure to space your watering and let the top part of the soil dry out a bit. Eureka lemon trees must be watered frequently for the roots to grow deep and for the foliage to proliferate across the limbs. Once the tree is more established, you can cut back on deep watering to approximately every 7-14 days depending on the weather conditions in your area.
  • Growing citrus trees requires the use of nitrogen and potassium-rich, citrus fertilizer three times a year; nitrogen boosts better foliage while potassium enhances the quality of flowers and fruits. Fertilizer for citrus trees should be applied in January, April and July using a slow-release 3:1:5 or 8:1:5 fertilizers in the drip zone that is away from the trunk.
  • Iron or zinc deficiencies cause leaves to turn yellow. This can be rectified with the use of leaf spray from your local garden store.
  • The growth and metabolism of fruit trees slows down after the fruit is harvested. Pruning should be done during this time or right when the new spring growth appears. Make sure to remove all branches that are damaged or diseased all the way to the base and prune suckers from the rootstock as this will lessen the fruit yield and will negatively affect the health of the lemon tree.
  • Remove the lower branches from your tree to give it a single robust trunk. Prune the centre stem off or it will crack open the center of the tree. Cut the tips off of the main branches to force them to grow thicker and more vigorously. Cut branches that are not strong or branches that block light from entering the tree.
  • To remove pests and discourage infestation, wash the tree regularly with strong spray of water. If pests are already present, always give it a treatment for the specific problem; mites, snails, aphids and scales can be treated with horticultural oil or insecticidal soap while other pests like citrus psylla need a more specific treatment.

Fruit & Harvesting


The Eureka lemon tree produces large rounded fruits with a slight protrusion or nipple. The fruits have a bright yellow color with a thick rind pitted with sunken oil glands. It is also juicy and has a strong acid flavor. The lemon juice can be used in a wide array of foods and drinks. You can use the whole lemon to make lemon curd or liqueur, marmalade, and baked goods like lemon meringue pie. The zest and juice can be used to make lemonade, cocktails, dressings, and marinades for fish or meat. If stored at room temperature, the fruit will last approximately a week. The shelf life of lemons can be extended to a month if stored in a refrigerator


From the time you buy a Dwarf Eureka Lemon tree, it takes about two to three years for it to bear fruit. At this time, the lemon tree has a well-established root system and has enough foliage to create photosynthesis energy required to produce fruits.

Once the tree starts producing, Eureka lemon trees yield fruit abundantly year round.The sweet-scented waxy flowers bloom heavily in springtime and the fruits mature in winter.

Lemons are ready for harvesting as soon as the rind turns glossy, yellow and are firm to the touch. the fruit will be about 2 to 3 inches in size. The appearance of the fruit is a big factor to show that the fruit is ready to harvest but remember that lemons will only ripen while on the tree and once picked they do not continue to ripen and it will not improve in flavor at all. To be sure that your lemons are ready for picking, do a taste test. If the juice has the right combination of sweetness and acidity then you can go ahead and harvest the rest of your Eureka lemons.

When harvesting your lemons be careful not to damage the tree. Use hand snipers or take the entire fruit in your hand and twist it gently until it breaks free from the tree. Also, do not wait for the lemons on the tree to get past the fully ripened stage as they will just dry up and lose their flavor.

Growing Zones


Eureka Lemon trees can grow to around 10 to 15 feet when planted in the ground, but potted trees are expected to remain at heights of about 3 to 5 ft which make them exquisite houseplants. They need a large container with adequate drainage and enough room to grow.  They also prefer a slightly acidic, fertilized and well-draining soil that is evenly moist.

Though it produces fruit all year round, its usual blooms in spring/fall and yields fruit in fall/spring. Also, since it is a subtropical fruit it thrives in temperatures ranging from 70°F to 50°F, it should be protected and taken indoors when the temperature drops to 32°F.

Pests and Diseases



Whether you buy citrus trees online or from a local nursery, they are easily grown. Unfortunately, there are lemon tree pests and diseases you have to look out for.

Common pests among citrus trees are scales, aphids, mites and leafminers. The best defense against these pests is companion planting. Planting nasturtiums attract aphids away from your citrus trees, while planting lavenders and marigolds discourage pests with their strong scent.

Other options to control pests are with the beneficial bugs that prey on common pests. You can also use of horticultural oil or neem oil for minor infestations and insecticides or pesticides for major infestations.


  • Citrus canker is a contagious bacterial infection that causes lesions on leaves, twigs and fruits. If left untreated, it will cause the fruit to drop from the tree as well as increase leaf loss and dieback. To prevent citrus canker that is spread through the air, spray liquid copper fungicide to ward off the disease. However, if the tree is already infected there is no available cure and the tree needs to be removed and destroyed.
  • Greasy spot fungus is a fungal disease that leaves a telltale yellow-brown blisters on the flip side of the leaves. Treatment includes the spaying of liquid copper fungicide in June or July, and a follow up treatment in August or September.
  • Other fungal infections that affect citrus trees are Phytophthora fungus, Botrytis fungus and Anthracnose. These fungal diseases can be treated with fungicides.


Should I prune my lemon tree?

It is best to not prune a newly planted tree for the first year. After one year of growth, you can prune branches to remove them from paths or structures, and to maintain the tree at the desired height. Also prune away dead or damaged branches. Finally, if low suckers appear (that is sprouts growing from the base of the trunk) be sure to prune them entirely away.

Can a Dwarf Eureka Lemon Treelive through a short freeze in winter?

Some brief periods of frost will not kill or permanently damage a full grown Dwarf Eureka Lemon Tree. Temperatures at or below freezing that persist for more than three or four hours are likely to kill back foliage, fruit, and may damage mature trees. Any sustained freezing temperatures that endure for more than four hours are likely to severely damage or kill most citrus trees, including Dwarf Eureka Lemon Trees.

How tall will a semi dwarf lemon tree grow to be?

Depending on the semi dwarf lemon variety, a fully-grown semi dwarf lemon tree will attain a height of about 15 to 20 feet.In comparison, standard size lemon trees can grow as tall as 20 feet, and dwarf varieties can stay as low as 6 to 8 feet tall.

Do lemon trees require full sun?

Lemon trees thrive in warm, sunny locations. They will grow in partial shade or areas that get a few hours of direct sunlight per day. As a general rule, the more sun the better.

Can I grow a Dwarf Eureka Lemon Tree in a container?

Yes. Start by potting the new Dwarf Eureka Lemon Tree in a 5-gallon sized pot that has holes in the bottom for drainage. Repot the Dwarf Eureka Lemon Tree in a bigger container after one year. Repot each year into a larger pot until you get to a 17 to 20 gallon sized container. A wider, shallow pot is better than a tall narrow design. All pots must have adequate drainage. Once in the largest container, you can prune the roots and repot the tree every two years to encourage good growth and fruit production.

How big will a dwarf lemon tree get?

The Dwarf Eureka Lemon Tree will grow to a height of about eight to ten feet in a pot, and can reach a height of about fourteen feet in the ground. Both potted and in-ground Dwarf Eureka Lemon Trees will spread to a width of approximately fifteen feet wide, but they can be pruned to maintain a smaller size.

Do dwarf lemon trees produce smaller fruit?

No. Although the trees are smaller, the fruit that dwarf lemon trees produces is the same size as that of a standard sized tree.

Will this tree survive planted in the ground outside over winter in PA?

No. This tree is cold hardy in USDA Zones 8 to 11. It can be grown in a pot outdoors in warm months, then moved indoors when temperatures drop to consistently below fifty degrees F. You can move it back outside in spring after all chance of frost has passed.

When should I pick my lemons?

Lemons are ripe when they turn yellow or yellow green. The best way to know when to pick the fruit is to do a taste test.

Do I need two Dwarf Eureka Lemon trees to produce fruit?

No. The Dwarf Eureka Lemon Tree is self-fertile and does not require an additional pollinator tree to produce lemons. However, more than one tree near each other will often grow more fruit than a single tree