Barbie Pink Guava Trees were first grown in Florida and their giant pink-fleshed fruits have become favorites among home growers. Barbie Pink Guavas are fragrant, can weigh as much as one pound each, and their flesh is juicy, crisp, and sweet with a slight tartness. The copper-colored bark on the trunks and limbs peels away in curling patches and reveals spots of pink and green below. This creates a colorful display beneath the dark green foliage.
Barbie Pink Guava Trees can be grown outdoors in USDA Zones 9 to 11. The fast growing trees can grow fruit in one year, and they will also produce fruit when grown in a pot. Barbie Pink Guava Trees do best in full sun and prefer soil that drains well. The trees reach heights of 15 feet, and widths of 10 to 12 feet. Barbie Pink Guava blooms are white and lightly fragrant. The fruit is yellow-green when mature, has bright pink flesh, and is great quality for eating fresh, making preserves, or juicing.
Barbie Pink Guava Trees grow quickly. A newly planted Barbie Pink Guava Tree can grow as tall as fifteen feet in two or three years. When planting, be sure to choose a location that gives the tree 10 to 12 feet of space on all sides for growth. Barbie Pink Guava Trees are self-fertile so one tree will grow fruit. However, growing two or more Guava trees within thirty feet of each other will cross pollinate the trees and produce larger crops.
Barbie Pink Guava Trees are well-suited for growing in containers. Choose a pot that has holes for drainage and that is larger than the pot the tree came in. Fill the bottom of the new pot with well draining soil so that the new tree’s rootball surface is about 1 to 2 inches below the pot’s rim to allow for watering. Water the potted tree when soil is dry 2 inches below the surface and let the water drain completely.
Fruit & Harvesting
Barbie Pink Guava Trees bloom throughout the year. Fruit first appears as small, green, and berry-like. Barbie Pink Guavas are ripe when they grow to about 4 inches long, turn a yellow-green, and have juicy, sweet flesh. The mature fruits have a floral fragrance and their pulp is bright pink with scattered small seeds. You can eat the seeds, or strain them out to make juice.
Guavas can also be used to make fillings for pastries, cakes, and other desserts. Barbie Pink Guavas are good for eating fresh and ripe fruit can be refrigerated for 6 or 7 days. Harvest Barbie Pink Guavas by hand using a twisting pull or with hand pruners. Higher fruit can be accessed with a ladder or by using a pole-mounted fruit harvesting basket.
Barbie Pink Guava Trees respond well to added fertilizer and well-fed trees can grow heavy yields. Let a newly planted Barbie Pink Guava Tree become established for at least three months before fertilizing the first time. After this period, fertilize with fruit tree fertilizer and water in well. Apply amounts based on tree size according to the fertilizer instructions. You can safely fertilize a Barbie Pink Guava Tree once every 3 to 4 months.
Barbie Pink Guava Trees can be fed organic material at any time. Organic matter such as raked leaves, grass clippings, or compost gives the tree a slow and steady supply of nutrients and will not over-feed the tree. Add organic matter to the base of the tree but do not stack material against the Barbie Pink Guava Tree trunk. Water new trees once per week for the first three months, then any time the soil surface is dry to 2 inches deep.
When do Barbie Pink Guavas get ripe?
Barbie Pink Guavas grow at various times of year. Barbie Pink Guavas are mature and ready to eat when they are yellow-green, juicy, sweet, and about 1 pound.
Do Barbie Pink Guava Trees need a second tree for pollination?
No, Barbie Pink Guava Trees are self-pollinating, so a solitary tree will produce guavas. Growing multiple Guava Trees will help each tree produce larger crops.
Will a Barbie Pink Guava Tree in a pot grow fruit?
Yes, Barbie Pink Guava Trees are good specimens for growing in a pot. Give potted Barbie Pink Guava Trees as much light as possible each day.
Do Barbie Pink Guava Trees require pruning?
Barbie Pink Guava Trees do not have to be pruned to make fruit, but pruning can help the trees grow into surdy shapes to support the heavy crops.
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